posted on 2017-06-30, 00:00authored byG. Massiot & cie
The Roman named settlement of Calama, part of the Roman province of Numidia, later became a proconsular province and bishopric of St. Possidius, the biographer of St. Augustine. Roman ruins include baths and a theater. The theater was completely rebuilt in the 20th century, supervised by St\u00E9phane Gsell (1864-1932), and saw its first modern performance in May 1908. The baths were partially dismantled and used for fortification by the Byzantines.
Date Created
Date Modified
Spatial Coverage
Guelma|Guelma, Guelma, Algeria|+36.45+7.433333
Temporal Coverage
before or circa 1910
Cultural Context
Imperial (Roman)
Rights Statement
To view the physical lantern slide, please contact the Architecture Library.