posted on 2017-07-05, 00:00authored byG. Massiot & cie
The church was built beside the wall gate of the old town, opposite the original city hall, which no longer exists. The oldest parts are Mud\u00E9jar-Gothic style; but was renovated several times. The present building dates from the 16th century, with alterations in the 18th century. It has a rectangular plan with a wide nave and another lateral aisle and an attached bell tower. The interior is baroque with two retables; the high altarpiece by Leonardo Carri\u00F3n and a baroque altarpiece from the 18th century, decorated with a multitude of tiny mirrors. It is also noted for its Baroque 18th century organ.
Alt Title
Iglesia de San Miguel
Date Created
Date Modified
Spatial Coverage
Medina del Campo|Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain|+41.311637-4.913213
Temporal Coverage
before or circa 1910
Cultural Context
['Baroque', 'Mud\\u00E9jar']
Rights Statement
To view the physical lantern slide, please contact the Architecture Library.