posted on 2017-07-03, 00:00authored byG. Massiot & cie
In 89 BCE Brixia was granted Latin citizenship and in 49 BCE Roman citizenship also. The Piazza del Foro marks the site of the Roman era forum: on the short north side, on the side of the Colle Cidneo (Cidneo Hill) stands a Corinthian temple with three cellae, which rediscovered in 1823. This temple complex, built on top of an earlier, smaller temple dating from Republican times, was probably the Capitolium of the city; it was erected by Vespasian in 73 AD (if the inscription really belongs to the building). The bronze sculpture Nike 'Vittoria Alata' (now in the Brescia Museum) was discovered in the building.
Date Created
Date Modified
Spatial Coverage
Brescia|Brescia, Lombardy, Italy
Temporal Coverage
before or circa 1910
Cultural Context
Imperial (Roman)
Rights Statement
To view the physical lantern slide, please contact the Architecture Library.