An Alternative 3α Process: The 2H(α,γ) 6Li(α,γ) 10B(α,d) 12C Reaction in Primordial Stars
The recent discovery of very old Carbon Enhanced Metal Poor (CEMP) stars has left questions as to their origins, in particular with respect to the origin of CNO element production in the early universe. The present research aims to investigate the 2H(α,γ) 6Li(α,γ) 10B(α,d)12C reaction chain, which may prove to be key in answering this question. The 6Li(α,γ) and 10B(α,d) reactions are studied here with some considerations of the 10B(α,p) channel. These measurements were conducted at the Nuclear Science Laboratory (NSL) at the University of Notre Dame du lac. The 10B + α reactions were studied using silicon surface barrier detectors in close geometry, whereas the 6Li + α reaction used a combination of Cerium Tribromide and High-Purity Germanium detectors. R-Matrix analyses were performed using the AZURE2 code and fits are presented in the text. Presently, a large boost to the 10B + α reactions is seen at T = 0.1 GK and more accurate broad resonance contributions have been determined for the 6Li + α reaction.
Date Modified
2022-04-08Defense Date
2022-03-17CIP Code
- 40.0801
Research Director(s)
Michael C. WiescherDegree
- Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Level
- Doctoral Dissertation
Alternate Identifier
1309295030Library Record
6183064OCLC Number
1309295030Additional Groups
- Physics
Program Name
- Physics