Cityplace isn’t a location but a propositional logic, a constructive property, an organizing principle in perpetual confrontation with the unintelligible Real where the mysteries lurk—the active periphery that destabilizes the status quo. A paranoid situation where the full explanation remains out of reach, Cityplace waits between two apocalypses, an ideology that only understands social contract in the language of social conspiracy, the production of truth as capital, and mediation—image, body and sound—as a transformational (disfiguring) process. Cityplace is the enduring tension between identity and self, history and the end of the world—presentness as impasse between past and future, positioned in the ontological space between the mirror and the source where reflection crosses back over itself. Cityplace is the logic of complicity when the awareness of one’s own complicity is the beginning of the process and not the end. Cityplace is people in direct contact. Cityplace is now.
Date Created
2018-04-09Date Modified
2018-11-08Research Director(s)
Steve TomasulaDegree
- Master of Fine Arts
Degree Level
- Master's Thesis
Additional Groups
- Computer Science and Engineering
Program Name
- Computer Science and Engineering