High-Index-Contrast AlGaAs Waveguide Scattering Loss Reduction via Oxidation Smoothing of Sidewall Roughness
To combat these higher losses, a novel non-selective O2-enhanced oxidation smoothing technique has been used to significantly reduce the loss of passive AlGaAs ridge waveguide (RWG) structures. Using the Fabry-Perot loss measurement technique, this work shows that this non-selective oxidation smoothing technique can reduce the propagation loss of a 1 cm HIC RWG by almost 3 orders or magnitude when compared to waveguides clad by a SiO2 dielectric deposited via PEVCD. Through optimized processing to reduce the initial sidewall roughness before oxidation, further loss reductions should be achievable for HIC structures, as well as possible loss reduction in more conventional low-index-contrast structures commonly used in many photonic devices
Date Modified
2017-06-05Defense Date
2008-03-28Research Director(s)
Dr. James MerzCommittee Members
Dr. James Merz Dr. Douglas Hall Dr. Patrick FayDegree
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
Degree Level
- Master's Thesis
- English
Alternate Identifier
University of Notre DameAdditional Groups
- Electrical Engineering
Program Name
- Electrical Engineering