University of Notre Dame

Science of Desire: Race and Representations of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1790-1865

posted on 2008-07-28, 00:00 authored by Marlene Leydy Daut
This dissertation reads representations of the Haitian Revolution with and against the popular historical understanding of the events as the result of the influence of enlightenment philosophy or the Declaration of the Rights of Man on Toussaint L'Ouverture; or what I have called a 'literacy narrative.' This understanding is most visible in texts such as C.L.R. James's The Black Jacobins (1938) and reproduces the idea that Toussaint read Raynal's Histoire des deux Indes (1772) and thus became aware that slavery was contrary to nature and was inspired to lead the revolt. Instead, I show how eighteenth- and nineteenth-century understandings of the Revolution were most often mediated through the discourse of scientific debates about racial miscegenation' an eighteenth- and nineteenth-century obsession with what happens when white people produce children with black people' making the Revolution the result of the desire for vengeance on the part of miscegenated figures, whose fathers refused to recognize or defend them, rather than a desire for the ideals of liberty and equality; or what I have called the 'mulatto vengeance narrative.'

Chapter one examines the figure of the 'tropical temptress' in the anonymously published epistolary romance La MulÌ¢tre comme il y a beaucoup de blanches (1803). Chapter two takes a look at 'evil/degenerate mulattoes' in Herman Melville's 'Benito Cereno' (1855) and Victor Hugo's Bug-Jargal (1826). In chapter three I analyze the trope of the 'tragic mulatto/a' in French abolitionist Alphonse de Lamartine's verse drama Toussaint L'Ouverture (1850); the Louisiana born Victor SŽjour's short story, 'The Mulatto' (1837); and Haitian author EmŽric Bergeaud's Stella (1859). Chapters four and five look at the image of the 'inspired mulatto' in French novelist Alexandre Dumas's adventure novel, Georges (1843); black American writer William Wells Brown's abolitionist speech turned pamphlet, 'St. Domingo; its Revolutions and its Patriots' (1854); and the Haitian poet and dramatist Pierre Faubert's play, OgŽ; ou le prŽjugŽ de couleur (1841; 1856). By insisting on a discourse of science as a way to understand these representations, I show how these texts contributed to the pervasive after-life of the Haitian Revolution in the nineteenth-century Atlantic World, on the one hand, but also created an entire vocabulary of desire with respect to miscegenation, revolution, and slavery, on the other.


Date Created


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Defense Date


Research Director(s)

Glenn Hendler

Committee Members

Ivy Glen Wilson Cyraina Johnson-Roullier Julia V. Douthwaite Jean Jonassaint


  • Doctor of Philosophy

Degree Level

  • Doctoral Dissertation


  • English

Alternate Identifier


Rights Statement

This dissertation has been revised and published as Tropics of Haiti with Liverpool University Press in 2015, ISBN978-1-781-38184-7.


University of Notre Dame

Additional Groups

  • English

Program Name

  • English