Silicon-based passives fro integrated microwave and infrared applications
For infrared detector applications, dipole antennas backed by a dielectric-filled cavity were also explored to increase air-side directive gain for antenna-coupled diode detectors. The proposed antenna schemes are designed to be compatible with conventional IC fabrication processes. A parametric study of antenna design reveals that a 10 dB boresight gain can be achieved when the cavity dimensions are properly chosen to excite predominantly TE10 mode aperture fields. The dipole resonant frequency is found to decrease with increasing dipole length and its input impedance is sensitive to the dipole position within the cavity.
K-band scale models of the antenna were fabricated and measured at 28.3 GHz to conclusively evaluate the performance of the antenna designs. The antennas demonstrated 10 dB directivity and –25 dB cross-polarization at boresight. The cross-polarization was limited by the dipole feed and misalignment. Measured antenna radiation efficiency was better than 70% throughout the interested frequency range. The power loss was attributed to filling dielectric and metallic sidewall loss. The measured s-parameters and radiation pattern showed good match to 3-dimensional electromagnetic simulations using HFSS.
Date Modified
2017-06-05Defense Date
2006-04-07Research Director(s)
Katherine W. LiuCommittee Members
Debdeep Jena Patrick Fay Gary Bernstein Wolfgang PorodDegree
- Doctor of Philosophy
Degree Level
- Doctoral Dissertation
- English
Alternate Identifier
University of Notre DameAdditional Groups
- Electrical Engineering
Program Name
- Electrical Engineering